
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Worst Blogger EVER!

I just realized it has been 2 months since I last posted something.  Wow, that officially makes me the worst blogger ever!  The past couple months have been busy, but I am back and I promise I will do better!

So I guess I should catch everyone up on what has been going on...

Dylan had his tubes surgery and all was successful.  Hopefully this winter will be much easier on him than last.  He turned 19 months old last week.  And while I love all the new fun stuff he is doing; I wish I could slow time down a bit.  It's just going too fast.  I am afraid I am going to blink and he is going to be starting school.

I had my first truly embarrassing moment with Dylan last week.  I went to pick him up at daycare and he started throwing a tantrum in his classroom.  I carried him kicking and screaming to the car.  You see, he hates the process of getting in his car seat (he is usually fine once we get on the road) and he has started associating putting his jacket on with his car seat.  Let's just say that every teacher and parent stopped to stare in shock.  Dylan is always the perfect, happy child at school.  He has never thrown a tantrum there, so needless to say, they were just as shocked as I was embarrassed.  I know this is only the beginning.  I have been told that in the next couple years, name calling will be included with the tantrums.  Yay!  :-)

He continues to constantly entertain us.  I love seeing what he is going to do next.  He is now repeating everything we say and do.  He can identify family members and other things that he is familiar with by their pictures.  And just the other day, he started to sing the Wheels on the Bus with me.  He was already doing the hand gestures for the song, but then he sang "all the through the town" with me, and you could have knocked me over.  I have always loved singing with him, but now it has an all new meaning.

Scott and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary on September 30th.  We spent a weekend at the Grove Park Inn in Asheville, NC.  This place was SO NICE and we had the best time.  We spent one day at the spa in the hotel and another day exploring Asheville.  We hiked to the top of Chimney Rock.  We were quite proud of ourselves for this accomplishment.  It is a 1/2 mile of stairs straight up.  And at first we said, "no problem, piece of cake".'s harder than it looks, that's all I am going to say.  And it was beautiful when we made it to the top.  Lake Lure was right there, and I had Dirty Dancing scenes running through my head the whole time.  :-)

We took another trip at the end of October to NYC to see my best friend, Erin.  We really had the best time.  It was the weekend before Halloween so we got to do a lot of interesting things, including an interactive theater play and a 20's Halloween party.  But my favorite thing we did was making brunch and playing board games all day when we got snowed in.  It really gave us the opportunity to get to know Erin's fiance, Brian.  And I can now say after spending 4 days with them, that they are definitely made for each other.  They fit together so well, and most importantly, really ENJOY each other.  I can't wait for the wedding and all of the celebrations leading up to it next year!

Hear are some pictures over the last couple months, just to continue catching everyone up.  And I am now back on track, so be expecting much more to come...especially with the holidays!!  I love this time of year!!  In fact, I am feeling the urge to watch the Sound of Music; a holiday tradition of mine.  :-)

This is only the beginning...

Ok, this just makes me laugh.  It was very cold and windy!!

No more wire hangers!!

Clyde, Bonnie, Joan Crawford, Newsie Boy

Dancing, having fun!

Don't mess with me; I have an aluminum gun...

1 comment:

  1. Well, I just can not believe that our grandson is NOT perfect!!!!! Sounds like you handled it well and certainly nothing to be embarrassed about...we have ALL been there!
    GREAT pictures Brooke. I love the ones from the Halloween party. SOOOO glad you two got to have some ADULT time this Fall.
    Tell Erin congrats from us..!
