
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bye, Bye, Fishy

The surgery center where Dylan had his tubes put in had a giant fish tank.  And the kid was mesmerized by all the fishies.  That gave me the bright idea to get him a gold fish.  So last weekend, our little family went to Petco, and $50 later, we walked out with Dylan's brand new gold fish.

And three hours later...he was dead.  I killed him, while Dylan was napping.  Poor guy never even got to see him.  I set everything up after he was asleep.

Part of the $50 was a brand new little tank, food, rocks, and a dragon and castle to go inside.  NOBODY said a word to me about buying drops to treat the water.

So there you have it...I killed poor little no-name fishy in record time.  And you wonder how I am responsible for a 19 month old and 2 dogs.? :-)

Oh, and we will be replacing the fish this weekend.  Apparently you have to treat the water first before dumping the fish in.

1 comment:

  1. hey, don't be so hard on yourself...WHO KNEW???
