
Friday, March 30, 2012


So, no surprise here; I have been a little slack with the blog lately.  Since we moved, life has been pretty quiet.  But here are a few things that are happening right now:

1.  Dylan turns two in 11 days.  Seriously?  How did this happen?  Wasn't he just born yesterday?

2.  We have a new house, and we LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!

3.  We have a new fish (that I didn't kill in 2 hours this time).  Her name is Dorothy.

4.  We almost had 2 frogs, but thankfully I was strong and weathered the storm that we shall call Hurricane Stephaine Eads.

5.  I was taking a shower at 5 am this past week and opened my eyes to a spider in the shower with me, on the door.  Oh and Scott was out of town.

6. I had a dream the other night that George Clooney gave me $10,000 and told me he loved me.
7. Dylan has an obsession with taking his pants off.

8. Dylan is still putting Elmo in time-out.

9. Our niece and Dylan's new cousin, Emilee is about to be born.

10. Oh and Uncle Jon and Aunt Tara are havin' a baby! (due on 10/6/12).

So those are the big things.  Now here are some pictures from the last month or so!!

Dylan and Sarah
Marbles Kids Museum


Daddy's turn!

Don't rock the boat - Marbles

Splish Splash - Marbles

Pirate's Ship - Marbles

Dylan and Uncle Jon
Farm Animal Days _ NC State

Dylan and BFF, Brody

Having lots of fun!

Petting the baby goat

2 very small boys and one very large tractor.

Fascinated by the cow

Picking flowers and sharing with Brody's mommy!

The game: run as fast as you can and tackle mommy.