
Friday, August 26, 2011

Catching Up

I have been pretty lazy about the blog this month so I wanted to catch everyone up on us!

Dylan is now walking everywhere.  Everyone told me that life changes once they start walking, but so far I am loving it.  He imitates everything we do (even coughing).  It's like he is a little sponge.  He is still testing me, and only me, with temper tantrums.  At these moments I am sometimes at a loss what to do.  Mostly, I ignore it or put him in time out.  But it is funny the way I am the only person he does this with.  The daycare teachers looked at me like I was crazy when I mentioned temper tantrums to them.

And speaking daycare...he has moved up to the toddler room!  Not surprising, that is when he started walking.  Dylan's favorite teacher is no longer with the daycare.  She has been with Dylan since he was 3 months old, so this was quite a blow for us.  I know he misses his "Cole".  Nicole, love and miss you girl!  But we keep in touch and I know they will continue to have a relationship.

I have discovered that I have a very picky eater on my hands.  He eats what he knows.  His favorite food?  Bread, bread, and more bread.  Getting him to eat veggies has become similar to watching an episode of the Jerry Spring Show.  It starts with me chanting (like the Jerry fans), "GREEN BEANS, GREEN BEANS, GREEN BEANS".  He pops one in and, I throw my hands up in the air and "WOO HOO!"  I am hoping if I keep putting them in front of him that he will eventually eat them without being prompted.

We have more and more ear infections to the point where the pediatrician has recommended tubes.  In fact, we have an appointment with the ENT this afternoon, so stay tuned.  I have to say though, I am perfectly okay if this is the conclusion we come to.  The medicine is so hard on his little body and he has been on them for half of this year so far.  We average 1 ear infection a month.

We just got back from a family beach trip a few weeks ago with my family.  We had a blast with Nana, Pops, Papaw, Paula, Addie, and Debbie (Seth had to work).  I was in Savannah a couple weeks for a fabulous bachelorette party for our friend Jenna.  I hardly ever get "girl" time anymore, and a whole weekend?  Well it was so much fun!  Scott and I have our 5 year anniversary coming up at the end of September.  The two of us are taking a trip to the mountains and Grove Park Inn.  Neither of us are mountain people, but I have to say, we are really excited about this trip.  It has been a long time since either of us has seen Asheville and the time together is much needed!

I am posting some pictures from the last month of our trip to the beach and a trip to Gastonia that Dylan and I took.  Hope everyone stays safe this weekend with big bad Hurricane Irene making its way up the East Coast.  An earthquake and hurricane all in one week?  CRAZY!!

Pushing Addie!

Feeding the ducks


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