
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Bandit the Friendly Ghost, one mystery solved!

Well, we know one thing...the ghost IS NOT opening the baby gates for Bandit. He is sailing right over the bottom one and working his way over the top one; its pretty funny actually. He waits until Scott leaves for work and then makes his move. It looks very uncomfortable getting over that gate, but he has the last laugh, as he is spending the day on my bed.

One thing to note before you watch this short clip, we edited the video down to when he actually jumped over the gate, so the sound you hear actually took place when Scott first turned the camera on.
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  1. Bandit thought he had a "leg up on you" but you outsmarted him
    HUMANS 1
    DOG 0
    way to go!

  2. I think Bandit won...he still can get to a nice bed every day. Unless Brooke and Scott have doubled the height of that gate!

    Nana Renae
