
Monday, February 6, 2012


I am trying to do the unthinkable...teach patience to my toddler. Anytime he gets frustrated i say, "patience", he repeats it and calms us both down. Communicating with a 22 month old can be difficult for both sides, and this word usually has the effect of taking a deep breath and helps him tell me what he wants. For awhile now, I've thought he is just repeating me and doesn't have a clue what I am trying to get across to him, but this morning Dylan turned the tables on Mommy.

It was EARLY and we were trying to get out the door to daycare. I had an unusual amount of stuff I was carrying, plus Dylan. As I am putting him in his car seat, Rocco starts barking crazily from inside the house. By the time I am done with buckling him and handing him the necessities of a car ride: bubbie, blanket, monkey, scout the bear, stuffed dog, and his farm book, I realize way too late that the alarm is going off inside the house.

So I get it turned off and call ADT because I know at this point, they have probably contacted the police. Five minutes into the phone call and they still can't find the information for the new house. I am envisioning police cars rolling up very soon. So I get a bit snappy with the woman on the phone telling her that it was an accident and I do not need the police. Does she really have to transfer me to someone else?

And at that moment from his car seat, Dylan says (ok, yells) to me, "Mama! Patience!"

Ok baby, you DO get it! Thank you for reminding me!

And note: the police were not called and all is well. Just have to pull the door to the garage a bit harder.


  1. So, this confirms it -- you are the best mom in the world!


  2. Oh goodness! I definitely wouldn't call me the best mom in the world. Just helps mine and Dylan's sanity if we can teach him that early . :-)

  3. Good story. I am visualizing the whole scene and can just imagine! Sometimes life is just difficult but your son brought you around and back to realty!!! Good for him!
    I think he understands much more than what we give him credit for. I can still see the panic in his eyes when you were moving and the bookcase fell upstairs...he was screaming "MOMMA". He was so concerned for you...I think he understood the best he could the turmoil of the weekend and also the possiblity that you were hurt. You gotta love 'em!!!!!!
